
Impurities in diamond are one of the most promising qubits for quantum information processing. They have been used already in proof-of-principle quantum optics experiments, and if they can be incorporated into nanophotonic devices it will be possible to build practical quantum technologies, e.g. for quantum computing and networking. 

Our lab is creating the photonic technology needed to realize on-chip quantum information processing using diamond qubits. We are also devising new ways to connect these qubits to light by harness optomechanical effects.

We have developed a new and versatile approach for creating nanophotonic devices from diamond, and have shown that we can use these devices to couple light to nanomechanical oscillators as well as SiV and NV colour centres.

Using these and future devices, we are now working to create technologies aimed at quantum applications: quantum memories (based on both optomechanics and spin storage), efficient light-matter interfaces for quantum networking, quantum devices that harness phonons for controlling and coupling qubits, wavelength converters, and more.