Optically switching χ(2) in diamond microcavities
Sigurd Flågan, Joe Itoi, Prasoon K. Shandilya, Vinaya K. Kavatamane, Matthew Mitchell, David P. Lake, Paul E. Barclay
Submitted (2024) [open access preprint]
Nonlinear optical pumping to a diamond NV center dark state
Prasoon K. Shandilya, Vinaya K. Kavatamane, Sigurd Flågan, David P. Lake, Denis Sukachev, Paul E. Barclay
Submitted (2024) [open access preprint]
Double etch method for the fabrication of nanophotonic devices from Van der Waals materials
Otto Cranwell Schaeper, Lesley Spencer, Dominic Scognamiglio, Waleed El-Sayed, Benjamin Whitefield, Jake Horder, Nathan Coste, Paul Barclay, Milos Toth, Anastasiia Zalogina, Igor Aharonovich
ACS Photonics, in press (2024) [open access preprint]
Master equation-based model for infrared-based magnetometry with nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond cavities: a path to sub-picotesla sensitivity at sub-millimeter scales
Hadi Zadeh-Haghighi, Omid Golami, Vinaya Kumar Kavatamane, Paul E Barclay, Christoph Simon
Physical Review Applied, accepted (2024) [open access preprint]
Laser-written waveguide-integrated coherent spins in diamond
Yanzhao Guo, John P. Hadden, Federico Gorrini, Giulio Coccia, Vibhav Bharadwaj, Vinaya Kumar Kavatamane, Mohammad Sahnawaz Alam, Roberta Ramponi, Paul E. Barclay, Andrea Chiappini, Maurizio Ferrari, Alexander Kubanek, Angelo Bifone, Shane M. Eaton, Anthony J. Bennett
APL Photonics 9, 076103 (2024) [open access preprint]
Selected as an Editor’s Pick
Determining strain components in a diamond waveguide from zero-field optically detected magnetic resonance spectra of negatively charged nitrogen-vacancy-center ensembles
M. Sahnawaz Alam, Federico Gorrini, Michał Gawełczyk, Daniel Wigger, Giulio Coccia, Yanzhao Guo, Sajedeh Shahbazi, Vibhav Bharadwaj, Alexander Kubanek, Roberta Ramponi, Paul E. Barclay, Anthony J. Bennett, John P. Hadden, Angelo Bifone, Shane M Eaton, Paweł Machnikowski
Phys. Rev. Applied 22, 024055 (2024) [open access preprint]
Selected as an Editor’s Selection
Selective single-and double-mode quantum-limited amplifier
Abdul Mohamed, Elham Zohari, Jarryd J. Pla, Paul E. Barclay, Shabir Barzanjeh
Phys. Rev. Applied 21, 064052 (2024) [open access preprint]
Einstein–de Haas torque as a discrete spectroscopic probe allows nanomechanical measurement of a magnetic resonance
K. R. Fast, J. E. Losby, G. Hajisalem, P. E. Barclay, and M. R. Freeman
Physical Review B 14, 226 (2024) [open access preprint]
Selected as an Editor’s Selection
Effect of the nanopillar diameter on diamond silicon vacancy center spin lifetime
Thomas Lutz, Tamiko Masuda, J. P. Hadden, I. Fescenko, Victor M. Acosta, Wolfgang Tittel, and Paul E. Barclay
Optics Materials Express 14, 226 (2024) [open access preprint]
Feedback enhanced phonon lasing of a microwave frequency resonator
Peyman Parsa, Prasoon Kumar Shandilya, David P. Lake, Matthew E. Mitchell, Paul E. Barclay
APL Photonics 9, 046109 (2024) [open access preprint]
Fiber-taper collected emission from NV centers in high-Q/V diamond microdisks
Tamiko Masuda, J.P.E. Hadden, David P. Lake, Matthew Mitchell, Sigurd Flågan, Paul E. Barclay
Optics Express 32, 8172 (2024) [open access preprint]
Kerr-optomechanical spectroscopy of multimode diamond resonators
Parisa Behjat, Peyman Parsa, Natalia C. Carvalho, Prasoon K. Shandilya, Paul E. Barclay
ACS Photonics 10, 4014 (2023) [open access preprint]
Semiconductor-on-diamond cavities for spin optomechanics
Xinyuan Ma, Prasoon Shandilya, Paul E. Barclay
Optics Express 31, 22470 (2023) [open access preprint]
Selected as an Editor’s Pick
High-frequency torsional motion transduction using optomechanical coupled oscillators
Hamidreza Kaviani, Bishnupada Behera, Ghazal Hajisalem, Gustavo de Oliveira Luiz, David P. Lake, Paul E. Barclay
Optica 10, 35 (2023) [open access preprint]
Light allows precise tracking and measurement of the position of mechanical objects, and is used by many of the world’s most precise sensing systems. It can even be used to detect changes in position of nanoscale objects with a sensitivity approaching or surpassing that needed for observing “quantum noise” affecting its motion. This is achieved by trapping the light in a cavity that surrounds the mechanical object, and using this cavity to amplify the effect of the object’s motion on the light interacting with it.
Unfortunately, there are many mechanical systems that can not be easily inserted into cavities without spoiling their ability to trap light, the very property that leads to their sensitivity enhancements.
This paper shows how to work around this problem by connecting the troublesome mechanical resonator to a neighbouring resonator that is better suited for cavity integration. Vibrations of the resonator of interest tunnel into its neighbour, which is then measured using the full power of the cavity enhanced readout. This approach significantly broadens our ability to perform quantum limited optical measurements of nanomechanical sensors.
Nonlinear optics in gallium phosphide cavities: simultaneous second and third harmonic generation
Blaine McLaughlin, David P. Lake, Matthew Mitchell, and Paul. E. Barclay
Journal of the Optical Society of America B 39, 1853 (2022) [open access preprint]
Changing the colour of light requires somehow modifying the energy of its photons. This isn’t easily done: when light interacts with matter, its momentum often changes, but its frequency is usually unaffected. An old trick to solving this problem is to create light fields so intense that they drive the atoms that constitute matter into distorted harmonic oscillations. These distorted oscillations emit light at new frequencies: different colours.
Using nanoscale devices that concentrate light to ultrasmall volumes, its possible to create these “harmonics” with using low optical power sources, eliminating the need for power lasers. Here demonstrate a device that creates green and yellow light from infrared light normally used in telecommunication networks.
These devices could be adapted for quantum optics experiments that convert one photon into a pair or triplet of photons, or vice versa.
Diamond integrated quantum nanophotonics: spins, photons and phonons
Prasoon K. Shandilya, Sigurd Flågan, Natalia C. Carvalho, Elham Zohari, Vinaya K. Kavatamane, Joseph E. Losby, and Paul E. Barclay
IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology 40, 7538 (2022) [open access preprint]
Defects in diamond are excellent qubits: they can store quantum information for long lengths of time. They are also truly nanoscale in size. These properties make them one of the most promising systems for building quantum networks, and looking further into the future, realising quantum processing units with large numbers of qubits. A challenge to achieving these grand challenges is efficiently interfacing the qubits with light. Photonic devices offer a solution, but are not easy to create in diamond. This article reviews recent progress towards solving this important problem.
Optomechanical interface between telecom photons and spin quantum memory
Prasoon Shandilya*, David P. Lake*, Matthew Mitchell, Denis Sukachev, and Paul. E. Barclay
Nature Physics 17, 1420 (2021) [open access preprint]
News and Views recap of the paper by Lillian Childress and Jack Sankey from McGill
This experiment shows how light at telecom wavelengths can be connected to spin qubits in diamond without using their optical transitions. Instead, light is converted to mechanical oscillations in the diamond crystal that couple to spin qubits by distorting the crystal lattice. By avoiding use of optical transitions, this interface can operate at a wavelength of choice, in this case the important 1500 nm wavelength band used in telecommunication networks. It also bypasses problems arising from drift or other decoherence of the fragile qubit optical transitions.
More than any paper from the group, this result exemplifies our efforts to “do it all”: conceive of and create highly novel devices (diamond microdisk resonators, in this case), master our ability to measure and control the properties of these devices (converting optical information to mechanical vibrations, and vice versa), and using them to enable new quantum technologies or reveal new quantum effects (controlling spin qubits with phonons).
Demonstration of hybrid high-Q hexagonal boron nitride microresonators
Anustup Das, Dong Jun Lee, Prasoon K. Shandilya, Sejeong Kim, Gumin Kang, David P. Lake, Bishnupada Behera, Denis Sukachev, Igor Aharonovich, Jung-Hyun Lee, Jaehyun Park, Paul E. Barclay
ACS Photonics 8, 3027 (2021) [open access preprint]
Hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) is a 2D material with tremendously powerful optical properties: defects in its crystal structure can behave like artificial atoms, emitting single photons and storing quantum information. Like its more establish counterpart graphene, it is usually created through exfoliation: the “scotch tape” method. Here we show that hBN created using a more scalable CVD method can be integrated with high quality photonic devices for the first time. This opens many doors to applications in hBN quantum photonics.
Single nanoflake hexagonal boron nitride harmonic generation with ultralow pump power
Ghazal Hajisalem , Mirali Seyed Shariatdoust, Rana Faryad Ali, Byron D. Gates, Paul E. Barclay, and Reuven Gordon
ACS Photonics 8, 1922 (2021)
Nonlinear optical effects allow nanomaterials – nanometer size particles or flakes – to double or triple the frequency of light. For example, they can convert infrared light to green or red coloured emission. However, this process is usually very inefficient, requiring intense input lasers to create weak frequency converted emission. Here we show, in collaboration with Gordon group at UVIC, that trapping particles in nanometer sized holes, where optical fields are greatly enhanced, allows routine generation of harmonic signals.
Tunable amplification and cooling of a diamond resonator with a microscope
Harishankar Jayakumar*, Behzad Khanaliloo*, David P. Lake, Paul E. Barclay
Physical Review Applied 16, 014063 (2021) [open access preprint]
Microscopes are routinely used to trap particles using the “optical tweezer” effect for which Arthur Ashkin was given the Nobel Prize. Here we adapt this technique to excite and damp mechanical vibrational motion of diamond nanomechanical resonators. These nanofabricated tuning forks have ultralow loss, and can be used for sensing small forces, and for controlling quantum states of diamond spin qubits using recently discovered spin-phonon coupling techniques.
This is one of only a few experiments in the world to look at diamond mechanical resonators at low temperature (5 Kelvin). Behzad and Hari both snagged nice jobs before the paper was finished but with some perseverance we managed to finally complete it.
Processing telecom wavelength light with an optically tunable memory
David P. Lake, Matthew Mitchell, Paul E. Barclay
Nature Communications 12, 663 (2021) [open access preprint]
Storing information encoded in light is a challenge – photons are hard to stop or slow down! Here they are instead reversibly converted into long lived vibrations of a diamond resonator. Not only can they be stored for long times in this resonator, but their properties can be tuned in situ. This is a powerful new platform for optical information processing.
Another clever experiment proposed entirely independently my Matt and David towards the end of their PhD training.
Two-color interferometry and switching through optomechanical dark mode excitation
David P. Lake, Matthew Mitchell, Barry C. Sanders, Paul E. Barclay
Nature Communications 11, 220 (2020)
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By coupling two drastically different colours of light to the same mechanical resonator they can be coaxed into interacting. Here we use this to create an optical XOR gate.
After putting so much work into creating diamond optomechanical devices that can reversibly store light in their mechanical motion, David and Matt created a laundry list of clever experiments to try. This was one of them.
Optomechanical detection of light with orbital angular momentum
Hamidreza Kaviani, Roohollah Ghobadi, Bishnupada Behera, Marcelo Wu, Aaron Hryciw, Sonny Vo, David Fattal, Paul E. Barclay
Optics Express 10, 15482 (2020)
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A theoretical study that started from a cafeteria conversation with David Fattal at HP labs many years ago. Next: trying to do the experiment.
Two-axis cavity optomechanical torque characterization of magnetic microstructures
Ghazal Hajisalem, Joseph Losby, Gustavo de Oliveira Luiz, Vincent Sauer, Paul E. Barclay, Mark Freeman
New Journal of Physics 21, 095005 (2019)
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This work nicely demonstrates the seemingly limitless potential of optomechanical devices as probes for condensed matter systems. Performed in collaboration with the Freeman group at UAlberta.
Progress toward cryogen-free spin-photon interfaces based on nitrogen-vacancy centers and optomechanics
Roohlah Ghobadi, Stephen Wein, Hamidreza Kaviani, Paul E. Barclay, Christoph Simon
Phys. Rev. A 99, 053825 (2019)
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The dream: reversibly converting quantum information stored in a diamond nitrogen vacancy centre electron spin into a photon that can carry it around the world. This theoretical proposal charts a path for achieving this using optomechanical devices operating at room temperature.
Optomechanically amplified wavelength conversion in diamond microcavities
Matthew Mitchell, David P. Lake, Paul E. Barclay
Optica 6, 832 (2019)
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Following a theoretical proposal by Safavi-Naeini (Stanford), optomechanical devices had already been used prior to this work by leaders including Srinivasan (NIST) to convert information encoded in light to optical signals at different wavelengths. In this work we show that during the conversion process it’s possible to amplify the information, increasing the strength of the converted information.
Realizing Q > 300,000 in diamond microdisks for optomechanics via etch optimization
Matthew Mitchell, David. P. Lake, Paul E. Barclay
APL Photonics 4, 016101 (2019)
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A tour de force in fabrication process optimization that resulted in devices used for a string of impactful publications (see above). This paper shares all the secrets that Matt and David discovered along the way.
Hexagonal boron nitride cavity optomechanics
Prasoon Shandilya*, Johannes Froch*, Matthew Mitchell, David Lake, Sejeong Kim, Ghazal Haji salem, Milos Toth, Igor Aharonovich, Paul E. Barclay
Nano Letters 19, 1343 (2019)
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A collaboration with the Aharonovich group at UTS (Australia), this is the first demonstration of an optomechanical devices incorporating hexagonal boron nitride, a 2D material that is attracting attention from quantum researchers thanks to its ability to host quantum emitters and spins. Johannes (UTS) used an ingenious technique to machine ultralight mechanical resonators from this material. Prasoon (UCalgary) used the lab’s optomechanical devices to probe the mechanical properties of these resonators.
Optomechanically induced transparency and cooling in thermally stable diamond microcavities
David P. Lake, Matthew Mitchell, Yasmeen Kamaliddin, Paul E. Barclay
ACS Photonics 5, 782 (2018)
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Slowing light using a mechanical resonator, and demonstrating along the way that we can coherently (fancy word for reversibly) convert light to a vibration (which happens to be oscillating at several GHz!)
Nanocavity optomechanical torque magnetometry and RF susceptometry
Marcelo Wu, Nathanael L.-Y. Wu, Tayyaba Firdous, Fatemeh Fani Sani, Joseph E. Losby, Mark R. Freeman, Paul E. Barclay
Nature Nanotechnology 12, 127 (2017)
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This collaboration with the Freeman lab reveals the power of cavity optomechanical devices for nanoscale sensing. In the preceding five years many papers demonstrated how precisely nanophotonic optomechanical devices-structures that combine mechanical resonators and optical resonators-allow light to monitor the device’s mechanical motion. This paper is one of the first to harness this sensitivity to learn something new about a mysterious physical system, in this case a nanomagnet whose behaviour is influenced by individual defects in the material.
Single crystal diamond low-dissipation cavity optomechanics
Matthew Mitchell, Behzad Khanaliloo, David Lake, Tamiko Masuda, JP Hadden, Paul E. Barclay
Optica 3, 963 – 970 (2016)
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A breakthrough paper reporting the first cavity optomechanical system created in single crystal diamond. A beautiful paper by Michael Burek from Loncar’s group appeared around the same time. Together these papers mark the first steps towards studying quantum optomechanics in this unique material.
Single crystal diamond nanobeam waveguide optomechanics
Behzad Khanaliloo, Harishankar Jayakumar, Aaron C. Hryciw, David Lake, Hamidreza Kaviani, Paul E. Barclay
Physical Review X 5, 041051 (2015)
High-Q/V monolithic diamond microdisks fabricated with quasi-isotropic etching
Behzad Khanaliloo, Matthew Mitchell, Aaron C. Hryciw, Paul E. Barclay
Nano Letters 15 5131-5136 (2015)
Tuning of nanocavity optomechanical coupling using a near-field probe,
Aaron C. Hryciw, Marcelo Wu, Behzad Khanaliloo, Paul E. Barclay
Optica 2 491-496 (2015)
Nonlinear optomechanical paddle nanocavities
Hamireza Kavani, Chris Healey, Marcelo Wu, Paul E. Barclay
Optica 2 271-275 (2015)
Dissipative and dispersive optomechanics in a nanocavity torque sensor
Marcelo Wu, Aaron C. Hryciw, Chris Healey, David P. Lake, Harishankar Jayakumar, Mark R. Freeman, John P. Davis and Paul E. Barclay,
Physical Review X 4 021052 (2014)
Air mode silicon nitride photonic crystals and their application to nonlinear quantum optomechanical sensing
Thomas Lutz, Tamiko Masuda, John P. Hadden, Ilja Fescenko, Victor Acosta, Wolfgang Tittel, Paul E. Barclay
Submitted (2019)
Modification of relaxation dynamics in Tb3+:Y3Al5O12 nanopowders
Thomas Lutz, Lucile Veissier, Philip J.T. Woodburn, Rufus L. Cone, Paul E. Barclay, Charles W. Thiel,
Physical Review B 98 (5), 054308
Integrated waveguides and deterministically positioned nitrogen vacancy centers in diamond created by femtosecond laser writing
J.P. Hadden, V. Bharadwaj, B. Sotillo, S. Rampini, R. Osellame, J. Witmer, H. Jayakumar, T. T. Fernandez, A. Chiappini, C. Armellini, M. Ferrari, R. Ramponi, P. E. Barclay, S. M. Eaton
Optics Letters43, 3586 (2018)
Optical nanofiber temperature monitoring via double heterodyne detection
Paul Anderson, Shreyas Jalnapurkar, ES Moiseev, Di Chang, PE Barclay, Arturo Lezama, AI Lvovsky
AIP Advances 8, 055005 (2018)
Polarized microRaman studies of femtosecond laser written stress-induced optical waveguides in diamond
Belén Sotillo, Andrea Chiappini, Vibhav Bharadwaj, John Patrick Hadden, F Bosia, P Olivero, Maurizio Ferrari, Roberta Ramponi, Paul E. Barclay, Shane M. Eaton
Applied Physics Letters 112, 031109 (2018)
Visible to Infrared Diamond Photonics Enabled by Focused Femtosecond Laser Pulses
Belén Sotillo, Vibhav Bharadwaj, John Patrick Hadden, Stefano Rampini, Andrea Chiappini, Toney T. Fernandez, Cristina Armellini, Ali Serpengüzel, Maurizio Ferrari, Paul E. Barclay, Roberta Ramponi, and Shane M. Eaton
Micromachines 8, 60 (2017)
Quadratic Zeeman effect and spin-lattice relaxation of Tm 3+: YAG at high magnetic fields
Lucile Veissier, Charles W. Thiel, Thomas Lutz, Paul E. Barclay, Wolfgang Tittel, and Rufus L. Cone
Physical Review B 94, 205133 (2017)
Effects of mechanical processing and annealing on optical coherence properties of Er3+:LiNbO3 powders
Thomas Lutz, Lucile Veissier, Charles W. Thiel, Philip J.T. Woodburn, Rufus L. Cone, Paul E. Barclay, Wolfgang Tittel
Journal of Luminescence, (in press, 2017)
Possible existence of optical communication channels in the brain
Sourabh Kumar, Kristine Boone, Jack Tuszynski, Paul E. Barclay, Christoph Simon
Scientific Reports 6, 36508 (2016)
Modification of phonon processes in nano-structured rare-earth-ion-doped crystals
Thomas Lutz, Lucile Veissier, Charles W. Thiel, Rufus L. Cone, Paul E. Barclay, Wolfgang Tittel
Physical Review A 94 013801 (2016)
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Open Access Preprint, featured as an Editors’ Suggestion
Diamond photonics platform enabled by femtosecond laser writing
Belen Sotillo, Vibhav Bharadwaj, J.P. Hadden, Masaaki Sakakura, Andrea Chiappini, Toney Teddy Fernandez, Stefano Longhi, Ottavia Jedrkiewicz, Yasuhiko Shimotsuma, Luigino Criante, Roberto Osellame, Gianluca Galzerano, Maurizio Ferrari, Kiyotaka Miura, Roberta Ramponi, Paul E. Barclay, Shane M. Eaton
Scientific Reports 6, 35566 (2016)
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The beginning of a fruitful collaboration with the Eaton group.
High-quality single-crystal diamond nanophotonic and nanomechanical resonators
Behzad Khanaliloo, Matthew Mitchell, Aaron C. Hryciw, Harishankar Jayakumar, David P. Lake, Hamidreza Kaviani, John P. Hadden and Paul Barclay
SPIE Newsroom (2016)
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SPIE Newsroom (2016)
Effects of fabrication and annealing methods on spin relaxation and crystallite quality in rare-earth-ion doped powders studied using spectral hole burning
Thomas Lutz, Lucile Veissier, Charles W. Thiel, Philip J. T. Woodburn, Rufus L. Cone, Paul E. Barclay, Wolfgang Tittel
Science and Technology of Advanced Materials 17, 63-70 (2016)
Efficient telecom to visible wavelength conversion in doubly resonant GaP microdisks
David P. Lake, Matthew Mitchell, Harishankar Jayakumar, Laís Fujii dos Santos, Davor Curic, Paul E. Barclay
Applied Physics Letters 108, 031109 (2016),
Design and experimental demonstration of optomechanical paddle nanocavities
Chris Healey, Hamidreza Kaviani, Marcelo Wu, Behzad Khanaliloo, Matthew Mitchell, Aaron C. Hryciw, Paul E. Barclay
Applied Physics Letters 107 231107 (2015)
Principles of quantum information processing (QIP) using diamond
Paul E. Barclay
Quantum Information Processing with Diamond: Principles and Applications edited by Steven Prawer and Igor Aharonovich, Elsevier (2014)
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Review of progress in diamond photonics.
Cavity optomechanics in gallium phosphide microdisks
M. Mitchell, A. C. Hryciw, P. E. Barclay
Applied Physics Letters, 104 141104 (2014)
Raman quantum memory based on an ensemble of nitrogen-vacancy centers coupled to a microcavity
K. Heshami, C. Santori, B. Khanaliloo, C. Healey, V. M. Acosta, P. E. Barclay, C. Simon
Physical Review A (Rapid Communication)89 040301(R) (2014)
Optical design of split-beam photonic crystal nanocavities
C. Hryciw, P. E. Barclay
Optics Letters38 1612 (2013)
Nanoscale torsional optomechanics
P.H. Kim, C. Doolin, B.D. Hauer, A.J.R. MacDonald, M.R. Freeman, P.E. Barclay, J.P. Davis
Applied Physics Letters 102, 053102 (2013)
An upper limit on the lateral vacancy diffusion length in diamond
J.O. Orwa, K. Ganesan, J. Newnham, C. Santori, P. Barclay, K.M.C. Fu, R.G. Beausoleil, I. Aharonovich, B.A. Fairchild, P. Olivero, A.D. Greentree, S. Prawer
Diamond and Related Materials 25, 6 (2012)
Hybrid nanocavities for resonant enhancement of color center emission in diamond
P. E. Barclay, K.-M. C. Fu, C. Santori, A. Faraon, R. G. Beausoleil
Physical Review X 1, 011007 (2011)
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Full Paper (Inaugural issue of Physical Review X)
Resonant enhancement of the zero-phonon emission from a color center in a diamond cavity
A. Faraon, P. E. Barclay, C. Santori, K.-M. C. Fu, R. G. Beausoleil
Nature Photonics 5, 301 (2011)
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A milestone in coupling diamond qubits to photonic circuits.
Related News and Views, an interview with Andrei, and the Nature Photonics cover image inspired by this work:
Low-temperature tapered-fiber probing of diamond NV ensembles coupled to GaP microcavities
K.-M. C. Fu, P. E. Barclay, C. Santori, A. Faraon, R. G. Beausoleil
New Journal of Physics 13, 055023 (2011),
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Full Paper (Focus Issue on Integrated Quantum Optics)
2008 - 2010 (at HP Labs)
Nanophotonics for quantum optics using nitrogen vacancy centers in diamond
C. Santori, P. E. Barclay, K.-M. C. Fu, S. Spillane, M. Fisch, R. G. Beausoleil
Nanotechnology 21, 274008 (2010)
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A review on quantum photonics with diamond by the one and only Charles Santori.
Conversion of neutral nitrogen-vacancy centers to negatively-charged nitrogen-vacancy
K.-M. C. Fu, C. Santori, P. E. Barclay, R. G. Beausoleil
Applied Physics Letters 96, 121907 (2010)
Observation of the dynamic Jahn-Teller effect in the excited state of nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond
K.-M. C. Fu, C. Santori, P. E. Barclay, L. J. Rogers, N. B. Manson, R. G. Beausoleil,
Physical Review Letters 103, 256404 (2009)
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Important insight into the inner workings of NV centres. This is what happens when you combine theory experts (Manson and Rogers) with experimental wizards (Fu and Santori).
Chip-based microcavities coupled to NV centers in single crystal diamond
P.E. Barclay, K. M. Fu, C. Santori, R. G. Beausoleil
Applied Physics Letters 95, 191115 (2009)
On the indistinguishability of Raman photons
C.Santori, D. Fattal, K.-M. C. Fu, P. E. Barclay, R. G. Beausoleil,
New Journal of Physics 11, 123009 (2009).
Diamonds with a high density of nitrogen-vacancy centers for magnetometry applications
V.M. Acosta, E. Bauch, M. P. Ledbetter, C. Santori, K.-M. C. Fu, P. E. Barclay, R. G. Beausoleil, H. Linget, J. F. Roch, F. Treussart, S. Chemerisov, W. Gawlik, D. Budker
Physical Review B 80, 115202, (2009)
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A classic work by Victor Acosta that carefully explores the trade-offs between NV density and their spin properties within the context of magnetometry applications.
Hybrid photonic crystal cavity and waveguide for coupling to diamond NV-centers
P.E. Barclay, K. M. Fu, C. Santori, R. G. Beausoleil
Optics Express 17, 9588 (2009)
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Prof. Barclay’s first postdoc paper at HP Labs, written while recovering from a broken hip (too many bikes!)
Coherent interference effects in a nano-assembled diamond NV center cavity-QED system
P.E. Barclay, O. Painter, C. Santori, K. M. Fu, R. G. Beausoleil
Optics Express 17, 8081 (2009)
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An early paper combining optical cavities with diamond NV centre artificial atoms.
Vertical distribution of nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond
C.Santori, P. E. Barclay, K. M. Fu, R. G. Beausoleil
Physical Review B 79, 125313 (2009)
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A laborious study of where NVs are created in a diamond sample during ion implantation processes.
Coupling of nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond to a GaP waveguide
K.-M.C Fu, C. Santori, P. E. Barclay, R. G. Beausoleil
Applied Physics Letters 93(23), 234107 (2008)
2003 - 2007 (at Caltech)
Integration of fiber couple high-Q SiNx microdisks with atom chips
P. E. Barclay, K. Srinivasan, O. Painter, B. Lev, H. Mabuchi
Applied Physics Letters, v89 (13), art. no 131108 (2006)
An optical-fiber-based probe for photonic crystal microcavities
K. Srinivasan, P. E. Barclay, M. Borselli, and O. J. Painter
IEEE Selected Areas in Communications v23, pp1321- 1329, July 5, 2005
Optical loss and lasing characteristics of high-quality-factor AlGaAs microdisk resonators with embedded quantum dots
K. Srinivasan, M. Borselli, T. J. Johnson, P. E. Barclay, O. Painter, Andreas Stintz and Sanjay Krishna,
Applied Physics Letters, v86, art. no 151106, April 6, 2005
Photonic crystal microcavities for chip-based cavity QED
K. Srinivasan, P.E. Barclay, and O. Painter
Phys. Stat. Sol. (b), v242(6), pp. 1187-1191, March 24, 2005
Nonlinear response of silicon photonic crystal micresonators excited via an integrated waveguide and fiber taper
P.E. Barclay, K. Srinivasan, and O. Painter
Optics Express, Vol. 13, No. 3, pp. 801-820, Feb. 7, 2005
Experimental demonstration of fiber-accessible metal nanoparticle plasmon waveguides for planar energy guiding and sensing
S.A. Maier, M.D. Friedman, P.E. Barclay, and O. Painter
Applied Physics Letters v86(7), 071103, Feb. 14, 2005
Rayleigh scattering, mode coupling, and optical loss in silicon microdisks
M. Borselli, K. Srinivasan, P.E. Barclay, and O. Painter
Applied Physics Letters, v85(17), pp. 3693-3695, Oct. 25, 2004
Optical-fiber-based measurement of an ultrasmall volume high-Qphotonic crystal microcavity
K. Srinivasan, P.E. Barclay, M. Borselli, O. Painter
Physical Review B, Rapid Communications, Vol. 70, 081306(R) Aug. 25, 2004
Feasibility of detecting single atoms using photonic bandgap cavities
B. Lev, K. Srinivasan, P.E. Barclay, O. Painter, and H. Mabuchi
Nanotechnology, Vol 15, S556-S561 2004
Probing the dispersive and spatial properties of planar photonic crystal waveguide modes via highly efficient coupling from optical fiber tapers
P.E. Barclay, K. Srinivasan, M. Borselli, O. Painter
Applied Physics Letters, v85(1), pp. 4-6, Jul. 5, 2004
A low-loss fiber accessible plasmon photonic crystal waveguide for planar energy guiding and sensing
S.A. Maier, P.E. Barclay, T.J. Johnson, M.D. Friedman, and O. Painter
Applied Physics Letters, v84(20), pp. 3990-3992, May 17, 2004
Fabrication of high quality factor photonic crystal microcavities in InAsP/InGaAsP membranes
K. Srinivasan, P.E. Barclay, O. Painter, J. Chen, A.Y. Cho
Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B, Vol. 22, No. 3, pp. 875-879, May, 2004
Fabrication-tolerant high quality factor photonic crystal microcavities
K. Srinivasan, P.E. Barclay, O. Painter
Optics Express, Vol. 12, No. 7, pp. 1458-1463, Apr. 5, 2004
Efficient input and output fiber coupling to a photonic crystal waveguide
P.E. Barclay, K. Srinivasan, M. Borselli, O. Painter
Optics Letters, Vol. 29, No. 7, pp. 697-699, Apr. 1, 2004
Design of photonic crystal waveguides for evanescent coupling to optical fiber tapers and for integration with high-Q cavities
P.E. Barclay, K. Srinivasan, O. Painter
Journal of the Optical Society of America B-Optical Physics, v20(11), pp. 2274-2284, Nov. 2003
Experimental demonstration of a high quality factor photonic crystal microcavity
K. Srinivasan, P. E. Barclay, O. Painter, J. Chen, A. Y. Cho, and C. Gmachl
Applied Physics Letters v83, 1915, 2003
Experimental demonstration of evanescent coupling from optical fiber tapers to photonic crystal waveguides
P.E. Barclay, K. Srinivasan, M. Borselli, O. Painter
Electronics Letters, v39(11), pp. 842-844, May 29, 2003
A Wannier-like Equation for Localized Resonant Cavity Modes of Locally Perturbed Photonic Crystals
O. Painter, K. Srinivasan, P.E. Barclay
Physical Review B, v68, art. no. 035214, Jul. 2003